ICYMI: Sweat 440 pop-up workout

If you didn’t make it to the Sweat 440 pop-up workout at Athleta Lincoln Road this morning, man, you really missed out! About 30 of my closest my friends and I had the best time squatting, lunging, jumping and planking as Sweat 440’s Andrew Opitz showed us exactly how the 40-minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout goes down.

As we started to feel the burn (and I started to wonder if the a/c was turned off!) the beats, Andrew’s encouragement and our camaraderie kept us going. And when the 40-minute heart-pumping, leg-quivering session was all over, smoothies from Dirt fortified us and “five-minute face” makeovers from Beauty Counter consultant Meredith Mortimer beautified us.

Thank you to everyone who came out today to get sweaty with me. I hope to see you again on December 23, when we’ll be getting our cardio the Caribbean way as instructor Lisa Shakespeare leads a Reggae Fit dance class.