The First Timer's Guide To Bermuda

Have you been to Bermuda? I visited for the first time 10 years ago but REALLY made a love connection on a week-long last trip last month.

I’ll be writing a lot about the Atlantic isle in the coming months, but wanted to share my first story - a first timer’s guide to Bermuda for TravelPulse - which is online now.

From entry protocols to where to stay, what to eat and what to do - including Doreen James’ superb foraging tour and feast and Kristin White’s illuminating tour of St. George’s that centers the experiences and contributions of Black people - it’s all you need to start planning your own “Bermy” break.

Don’t leave without taking vegan chef Doreen James’ foraging tour (which includes a yummy al fresco brekkie).

I loved Kristin White’s tour of St. George’s, which centers the contributions of Africans first brought here in the 1600s.